Thanks for reading this webpage and I want you all to know I am ONLY covering vampire leaders I have been under directly, so this isn't hearsay, its all personal experience I have gained in Second Life.
Now JackRackham shouldn't technically be on this website, he's not a BAD king, he's just a totally INCOMPETENT one and deserves special mention here because everyone should avoid his clan (Veritas) at all costs! In my 3 years in Bloodlines I have never run across a more arrogant, controlling, and paranoid ruler like Jack and his queen Layla. Their paranoia on the clan lands made it a misery to bring friends and even potential new members there. They are mortally afraid of April Ktaba and her clan, so they boot instantly anyone who isn't in clan from the lands, making Veritas one of the most unfriendly places in SL. Now I am not a fan of April Ktaba, but neither am I afraid of her like Jack and Layla are. They are so paranoid and fearful of attacks by her and her clan that its almost laughable (and utterly miserable for most of the royals in Veritas). April DOES attack other clans in many different ways, planning such things openly with her council of leaders, but I don't fear her like the Veritas crowd does. Moreween Lorefield is the head-chopper at Jack's clan and gleefully kicks out anyone she can (she will also STEAL your minions even if you are in Veritas). My liege and myself lost almost 100 people in our Line (more than all other clans I have ever been in combined) due to Morween/Jack/Layla kicking them out of the clan over the last 3-4 months. Jack's poor leadership skills and passive behavior makes him an incompetent king in many ways, including his refusal to deal with infighting among his royals. Towards the end, I finally discovered what sort of clan Jack really wanted, a small clan of butt-kissing people who agree with him on everything and who let him CONTROL everything. Jack would actually go into my Line and turn people into full vampires just to gain rank, AND not tell me about it or ask me for permission. He also would use potions on people in my Line without my consent and without telling me, something I have NEVER seen done in any other clan. Oh its okay to help out every once in awhile but Jack controls everything and runs everything and you end up feeling like nothing but a glorified passenger of your own Line. Jack also believes that ALL other clans are run poorly and that 99% of them are wrong in how they are run and he despises all other clans as a result. This is the most arrogant mindset I have run across in quite awhile. This man's arrogance and incompetence are the reasons to avoid this clan like the plague!
Join Jack's clan if you want him to turn people and use potions without your consent (and without bothering to TELL you).
Join Jack's clan if you want to live in a paranoid clan,
Join Jack's clan if you want him to steal minions from you BEFORE you leave the clan,
Join Jack's clan if you like to hate all other clans,
Join Jack's clan if you want to be a brown-noser asskisser, he'll love you then!